Options for Relief From Sciatica Nerve Pain


When sciatica strikes and gives you a literal pain in the back, you have several options for relief from that nasty nerve pain. Sciatica does not only make your back ache, it can also cause pain down one or other, or both legs and numbing or tingling in the feet. This is because the sciatic nerve splits at the base of the spine and travels down both legs. The pain in the legs is referred pain, as there is usually no problem in the legs; it’s just that pressure applied to the sciatic nerve can create a pain sensation somewhere else along it.

So what can you do to relieve that pain?


You may feel like taking to your bed when the pain is intense and this may help reduce the inflammation in the sciatic nerve and muscles surrounding it. But more than a day or two in bed can make the problem worse rather than improve it. So don’t make this your only option.

Heat and Ice

Apply heat and ice packs. Both of them will help reduce the pain, while ice will help reduce the inflammation in the nerve and surrounding muscles. Heat will increase the blood flow in the area which will speed recovery.


Over the counter medications like ibuprofen and aspirin can also help reduce inflammation and provide some pain relief. But when the pain is intense you will barely notice the difference.

Prescription Medication

Your doctor may prescribe some stronger pain killers. These are termed opioids and are usually codeine or morphine based. But be aware that they can have side effects and cause you other problems. They will cause drowsiness and may cause constipation. There is also a risk of addiction, if they are taken for an extended period. You should also be very careful of them if you are pregnant or taking any other medications.


Small needles are inserted into the skin in the troubled area and other relevant points. The theory is that endorphins and other chemicals produced by the body rush to the needle points to repair the damage that they cause, at the same time they will repair existing problems in the same location. Personally I never found any sciatica pain relief from acupuncture.

Massage and Manipulation

There is a huge industry built around back pain, Chiropractors, Physiotherapists and Osteopaths can all offer some assistance. Massage can help reduce the pain, relieve tightness in the muscles and increase blood flow in the troubled area. Manipulation of the bones can release the pressure on the sciatic nerve and thus reduce the pain.

Topographical Analgesics

Can normally be bought over the counter from most chemists or drug stores. They usually provide heat to relieve the pain and increase the blood flow and applying them can supply some of the benefits of massage.


Using a hot Jacuzzi or Spa will also provide the benefits of heat and massage. In fact a hot bath alone can provide some relief from sciatica pain.


Personally I have found that this provides the best long and short term relief from sciatica. Yoga based stretching of the Hamstring, Piriformis and back muscles loosen their tightness and relieve the pressure on the sciatic nerve, thus reducing pain. Long term stretching will increase your flexibility and improve your core strength, which will make future outbreaks of sciatica less likely and milder if they do occur. I would recommend taking up Yoga, Pilates or both for all sciatica sufferers. You don’t even need to join a class, you can do these exercises at home and they will improve your health in so many other ways too.

Improve Posture

This is another long term option for relief and will also help prevent recurrence of sciatica. Poor posture is often the trigger that kicks off sciatica in the first place. You must ensure that you stand, sit and lie in bed in positions that are not harmful to your spine. Stand up straight, do not slouch, hips and chest forward stomach in and head back. When sitting ensure that you have adequate support to keep your spine in it’s S shaped format and if working at a computer or workstation ensure that your head is not dropping down and your chin is parallel to the ground. In bed lying on your side with your knees and head supported is best.

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