5 Times You Should Not Shy Away from Visiting a Gynecologist

It can be difficult to tell what is “normal” and what indicates a potential risk when it comes to reproductive and sexual health. So, try not to feel embarrassed to discuss any issues of your private parts with the gynecologist. Consider choosing the best gynecologist in Bangalore who is there to help you and not judge your condition. Here are 5 times that you must not shy away from having a gynecology visit.
- Painful Periods
Headaches, breast soreness and cramps are some of the usual period symptoms. However, some women experience way more painful and heavier menses. If you’re one of them, your signs could point at the presence of uterine fibroids or endometriosis. You must visit a good gynecology hospital to discuss these symptoms with the doctor who can suggest various solutions to manage your condition.
- Vaginal Odour
You might feel uncomfortable to talk about this to the doctor. But it is an important topic. If the smell is not usual but fishy or foul which lasts for a few days, you must discuss this with the best gynaecologist in Bangalore. Although an odour is quite normal, a foul smell can hint at a vaginal infection or bacterial overgrowth. So, it must be checked at the earliest to be addressed timely.
- Growths or Swelling Bumps Down There
A growth around the labia or in the vagina can be concerning. Is it a cut from shaving, a pimple, an ingrown hair or something more worrisome? Bumps are usually benign. However, you must visit a reputed gynaecology hospital to get the outbreak examined. Genital warts can show for a while. However, herpes can get better over 1-2 weeks. So, it’s also a must to note when the growth occurs.
- Faecal or Urinary Leakage
This can be very stressful and embarrassing, and impact your quality of life. You may have these symptoms after childbirth, especially if you had a big baby or a natural delivery requiring vacuum or forceps. When you enter menopause, these signs may intensify. According to the nature of the incontinence, medical solutions or surgery may be recommended. The best gynaecologist in Bangalore can give you the right treatment plan.
- Sexual History
In a gynaecology visit, you may often hesitate to answers to questions like:
- Whether you experienced any sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) before
- Your age when you first had intercourse
- The number of partners you have had
These topics can help in the following ways:
- Determining risk factors for HPV infection and cervical dysplasia: Experiencing intercourse before 18 years of age can sometimes increase your risk to get HPV since young women have a more pronounced cervical-vaginal junction. Having more partners is often another risk factor.
- Discussing potential ramifications of earlier STDs: Sometimes, STDs can make you more prone to infertility. STDs like herpes is a lifelong condition and may lead to future outbreaks. You must receive proper counselling regarding these issues.
Keep your reproductive health in the best condition by opting for regular gynaecology visits and following what the expert recommends.